Catalysts for Change

Nexters don’t wait to experience change. We are the catalysts who create it. We are on a mission to lift the voices of the African American community in government by increasing the number of African Americans in the U.S. Senate, House of Representatives and statewide offices. Now, more than ever.

Despite the continued increase of racial and ethnic diversity across the country, African Americans only make up 9% of the U.S. Congress. That means almost 4-out-of-5 members in the U.S. House and Senate are White. Government leadership should be more representative of the people they serve.

We are committed to electing tomorrow’s Black leaders today, as well as, supporting non-Black candidates who champion and advocate for initiatives that positively impact the African American community such as: ensuring equal opportunity, fighting for social justice and creating economic mobility.

Panel 1

Why We’re Here

Representation matters.

People of color continue to be underrepresented within the local, state, and federal government.

If Congress accurately reflected our nation on the basis of race, about 63 percent would be white, not 80 percent. Blacks would hold about 13 percent of the seats and Latinos 17 percent.

In the House and Senate, at least 114 lawmakers are either African American, Asian or Hispanic, meaning that more than 1 in 5 lawmakers in the 116th Congress is a person of color and nearly 8 in 10 are white.

The data also shows there are far more Democratic than Republican people of color. Here is a breakdown of the number of people in Congress by race:

  • African American: 53 representatives, 3 senators
  • Asian American: 12 representatives, 3 senators
  • Hispanic American: 39 representatives, 4 senators
Panel 2
Panel 3

Donate To Nexters PAC

The Nexters PAC is committed to electing tomorrow’s Black leaders today, as well as, supporting non-Black candidates who champion and advocate for initiatives that positively impact the African American community such as: ensuring equal opportunity, fighting for social justice and creating economic mobility.

But this won’t happen over night. We need a sustained surge of grassroots support to break down barriers and create a more diverse government. Every person and every dollar can make a difference.